Robert Rowley, MD
My name is Dr. Robert Rowley. I am practicing in Hayward, CA 94545.
I am currently accepting new patients. Can I answer any questions for you?
Robert Rowley, MD
Robert Rowley is a practicing family physician and healthcare information technology consultant. Dr. Rowley has been in clinical practice for over 35 years, including experience in multiple governance positions with Hill Physicians Medical Group. Dr Rowley has been active in developing commercial Electronic Medical Records systems in the past 15 years. His family practice in Hayward, CA has functioned without paper charts since 2002. Dr. Rowley obtained his bachelor’s degree at the University of California, San Diego, and his doctoral degree at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine. He completed his post-graduate training at Highland Hospital in Oakland. Dr. Rowley is fluent in Spanish.Hayward Family Care
27206 Calaroga Ave,Suite 116
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 340-9241
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Areas We Service:
Alameda, CA, Berkeley, CA, Castro Valley, CA, Fremont, CA, Newark, CA, Oakland, CA, Pleasanton, CA, San Leandro, CA, Union City, CA, Danville, CA, San Ramon, CA, San Francisco, CA, Palo Alto, CA, San Jose, CAACL Stem Cell Treatment
Today’s most innovative treatment for torn ACL: stem cell therapy.
Is your torn ACL causing pain or limiting your mobility? Stem cell injections may be able to repair your ACL and reduce or eliminate pain. Stem cell injections are available in %city%, %state%.
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Live Stem Cell Therapy
Today’s most innovative treatment for orthopedic injuries: stem cell therapy.
Painful tendon, bone, and joint tissue damage may be treatable with live stem cell therapy which stimulates cellular regeneration.
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Rotator Cuff Stem Cell Treatment
Stem Cells Are A Powerful Way of Treating Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Pain
Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries typically happen when people do repetitive motions, such as in sports or at work. Stem cell injections can help repair these injuries by reducing or eliminating pain and regenerating the tissue surrounding your affected area—without the need for surgery.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Pain
Today’s most innovative chronic pain treatment: stem cell therapy.
Whether your pain was caused by injury, infection, disease, or surgery, stem cell therapy may relieve it by stimulating your damaged cells to regenerate.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Hip Injuries
Stem Cells May Repair Damage and Reduce Hip Injury Pain
Hip injuries can greatly affect your mobility and quality of life. Stem cells from donated umbilical cord blood have the unique ability to become specialized cells and may repair hip damage and reduce pain caused by accidents and conditions like arthritis.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Tendonitis
Stem Cell Injections May Repair Knee Tendons Without Invasive Surgeries.
A hard impact or twist of the knee can tear a tendon, or cause tendonitis, which can impede your ability to walk. Stem cell therapy is one of today’s most innovative treatments –it may be able to repair your knee tissue and reduce or relieve your pain.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Meniscus Tear
Today’s most innovative torn meniscus treatment: stem cell therapy.
A painful twist, pivot or rotation can tear an athlete’s meniscus. Relief may be found in stem cell therapy which stimulates your damaged knee tissue to regenerate.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Runner's Knee
Live Stem Cell Injections May Be Able To Repair Your Runner’s Knee.
Whether it was blunt force or overuse that caused your Runner’s Knee – it hurts. For over 20 years, clinical trials have demonstrated promising results of live stem cell knee injections. We use stem cells from newborn umbilical cord blood to treat Runner’s Knee.
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